Hallo & Welcome back.
Bevor es zu den Fotos geht hier eine kurze Erklärung: Bei meiner derzeitigen Praktikumsstelle gibt es kein Arbeitsgewand. Man kann also tragen, was man möchte. So lange man sich an den legeren Kleidungsstil richtet. Ich teile diesen Post in zwei Teile. In 1-2 Wochen kommen dann noch einmal 3 Outfits.
Before I start I'd like to explain something: Where I am working right now we don't have specific pieces we have to wear. We can wear whatever we want to as long as it is still casual. I will make two blogposts out of these. So you will see 3 more outfits in one to two weeks.
Jeden Tag: Tasche von Michael Kors; Schuhe von Vianello // Every day: Bag from MK and shoes from Vianello | | | | | | | | |
Jeans from Takko; Shirt from New Yorker; Jacket from Orsay |
Leggings from H&M; Shirt from Takko; |
Jeggings from Calzedonia; Blouse from Orsay; Jacket from Orsay; |
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